MONDAY - THURSDAY 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM | OFFICE: 541-536-2126 | OUTAGE NUMBER: 800-752-5935
Planned Outage - November 12th, 12am-6am
Thursday | November 2, 2023
There is a planned outage on November 12th from 12am-6am in our southern territories.
2024 Youth Tour Applications Open
Wednesday | November 1, 2023
We want to send two high school students on Washington, D.C. Youth Tour.
Join MEC in celebrating by entering our Co-op Month Contest
Sunday | October 1, 2023
Enter to win a $100 bill credit during National Co-op Month.
Warning: Potential for Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
Monday | August 14, 2023
MEC service territory could be placed on a PSPS (Public Safety Power Shutoff) due to periods of dry,...
Rate Increase Coming April 1st
Wednesday | February 1, 2023
In April, you will see a $3.00 increase of our Facilities Charge for all rate classes (excluding Ind...
MEC Response to Recent Substation Attacks
Thursday | December 8, 2022
We ask that our members help us by reporting any suspicious activities near any of Midstate’s infras...