The Value of Membership
Welcome to Midstate Electric Cooperative (MEC). We are pleased to be your electric service provider and that you have become a member-owner of MEC.
As a member, you have unlocked a door to exceptional services, and we're not just talking about electricity. MEC's rich history of commitment and progress will serve you well in the exciting future that faces the electric industry.
MEC's employees and board members take great pride in the relationship we have with our members and communities. Being a cooperative means working together. That is something MEC members, communities, employees, and board members have been doing well since 1952 and will continue into the future.
Member Programs and Services
In the spirit of serving our members and our communities, MEC offers Operation RoundUp®. Operation RoundUp® is a national program that's been serving rural communities for over three decades. Since its inception, the program has been adopted by 260 electric cooperatives, and has generated $50 million in charitable donations. Each month, your electric bill can be voluntarily "rounded up" to the nearest whole dollar amount with the extra change going into a separate Operation RoundUp® fund to be donated to organizations throughout MEC's service area.
Learn more about Operation RoundUp®.and how you can sign up here: OPERATION ROUNDUP® | Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc
At MEC, your safety is always our concern. We want to help you keep your family and homes safe from electrical accidents caused by bad weather or unsafe conditions. Take a few minutes to review this guide to help protect you and your family from electrical accidents. There is also a checklist on steps to take if you power goes out. Check out the guide here: Midstate Power Safety Guide.pdf
Co-op Connections, Touchstone Energy’s free membership savings program, offers cooperative members more than 24,000 local and national deals on products and services. There are over 37 million users in communities across the country. The program also includes discounts on prescription drugs at over 60,000 locations as well. Consumers have already saved more than $60 million on prescriptions alone!
Visit the Co-op Connections website to view a list of participating providers here: Welcome to Co-op Connections
Midstate Electric Cooperative belongs to a statewide association called ORECA (Oregon Rural Electric Cooperative Association). Its role, on behalf of Oregon cooperatives, is to lobby lawmakers and state officials for legislation that supports our mission against mandates that jeopardize cooperative values. MEC will be actively involved working with other Oregon electric cooperatives through ORECA to remind lawmakers about the importance of affordable and reliable electricity. We can’t do this alone.
Learn about how your voice can make a positive impact on our community here: Voices for Cooperative Power | Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc