Empowering the next generation

MEC offers scholarships for residents attending accredited colleges, technical schools, or lineworker school.

$10,000 - Graduating Senior

$2,500 - Continuing Education

$25,000 - Lineworker



Graduating Seniors


Midstate Electric Cooperative (MEC) has scholarships available for high school seniors seeking to continue their education. Scholarships are available to seniors who will graduate from La Pine, Gilchrist, and North Lake County High School, as well as high schools located in Klamath, Lake, and Deschutes Counties (including home school).

Graduating Seniors - Apply Online for a Scholarship here >>

Paper Applications will also be accepted in person at the Midstate office at 16755 Finley Butte Rd in La Pine or by mail to Midstate Electric, P.O. Box 127, La Pine, Oregon 97739.
College Student in Library


Midstate Electric Cooperative (MEC) offers scholarships for continuing education. These scholarships are available to members who have already graduated high school and are seeking to continue their education.

Continuing Education - Apply Online for a Scholarship here >>

Paper Applications will also be accepted in person at the Midstate office at 16755 Finley Butte Rd in La Pine or by mail to Midstate Electric, P.O. Box 127, La Pine, Oregon 97739.


Midstate Electric Cooperative (MEC) offers one $20,000 scholarship for members to attend line worker school. Recipient must put forward $5,000 for the remainder of the lineworker tuition. MEC will reimburse the $5,000 once schooling is completed.

Line Worker School - Apply Online for a Scholarship here >>

Paper Applicationswill also be accepted in person at the Midstate office at 16755 Finley Butte Rd in La Pine or by mail to Midstate Electric, P.O. Box 127, La Pine, Oregon 97739.