Commercial & Industrial Products & Services offered by Midstate Electric:

Commercial & Industrial Incentive Programs

Midstate Electric offers financial incentives and free energy consults for new and existing buildings and/or equipment. Contact our energy services team at 541-536-2126 option 5, to find out how to make your business more energy efficient!

Lighting Incentive Program

Lighting is one of the largest energy consumers in commercial and industrial buildings. A single facility has the potential to save over 50% on energy/lighting costs by switching to energy efficient lighting technologies.

Midstate Electric offers a commercial & industrial Energy Efficient Lighting Incentive Program for all business members to update their existing lighting systems. The program provides cash incentives for the installation of energy efficient lighting.

Local members who have lowered their bottom line with our lighting incentives:

Willows Antiques – Christmas Valley
Christmas Valley Ag & Auto
Gilchrist School
Interfor Pacific Lumber - Gilchrist
La Pine Elementary School
La Pine Middle School
La Pine Mini Mart
La Pine Outpost
La Pine Parks & Rec
Mt. Bachelor Lodge & Nordic Center
Russ Mattis Trucking
Sunriver Marketplace
Sunriver Resort
S&S Auto Parts
South Deschutes County
Three Rivers Elementary School

New Commercial Energy Efficiency Program

Constructing a new building? Midstate Electric offers incentives and design assistance to help lower the initial costs of energy efficient equipment to help lower your bottom line. To get started, call us at 541-536-2126 Option 5 or email us for program details.

Existing Commercial Energy Efficiency Program

Planning to replace outdated equipment? Midstate Electric offers a variety of incentives for upgrading lighting, motors, HVAC systems, insulation, and more! Contact us today and we can assist you with designing a custom, efficient system for your space. Call us at 541-536-2126 Option 5 or email us for program details.

What is Green Power?

Green Power, or renewable energy is produced by resources that are replenished naturally and minimize harm to the environment.

Where does this power come from?

MEC has signed a contract to purchase a type of green power called Environmentally Preferred Power (EPP) from Bonneville Power Administration. EPP is generated from 100% wind energy that have a no impact on fish and wildlife and do not pollute.

The power is generated from wind farms primarily located along the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, Washington. All EPP power has been endorsed by three leading Northwest environmental groups. (The National Resources Defense Council, Renewable Northwest Project, and the Northwest Energy Coalition)

How will I know that I am receiving Green Power?
We cannot guarantee that "green" electrons will reach your home or business, but we can guarantee that the amount you purchase will be delivered to the Northwest power grid.

How will this affect my electric bill?

How much extra you pay depends on the quantity of green power you sign up for. The cost is in addition to your regular electric charges. You can choose the quantity in 100 kWh blocks with a minimum purchase requirement of two blocks (200 kWh represents 15% of the average monthly residential usage). The cost for 200 kWh is $5.00 per month.

If you are a business member, contact us for how you can buy green power for your own business.

Green% Power Sticker


Our Green Power Business Members are:

  • Bonneville Power Administration

  • Midstate Electric Cooperative

  • JETW Co. Inc.

  • Sunriver Nature Center

  • Sunriver Owners Association Administration and Police Facility


Does this project make a difference?

Yes. By supporting green power, you are helping the planet by offsetting the need to generate more non-renewable electricity. You are embracing the opportunity to make a difference not for today, but for generations to come.

Call Us Today! 541-536-2126 or 800-722-7219 option 5.

Free Energy Consults are available to our residential and commercial members to educate them on ways to save energy and money in their homes or businesses.  Energy ideas like increasing insulation, high performance lighting, the quality of their windows & doors, proper ventilation requirements, heating & cooling system tips, and more. For additional information on rebates available, or to schedule a FREE energy consult, contact the Energy Efficiency Department.

541-536-2126 ext 5.