The mission of the Operation RoundUp® program is to provide financial resources to support, improve, or advance communities and organizations throughout MEC's service area.
As a cooperative, MEC follows a set of seven principles. One of these principles is “Concern for Community,” which means that while we focus on the needs of our members, we also strive to improve the community as a whole.
In the spirit of serving our members and our communities, MEC offers Operation RoundUp®. Operation RoundUp® is a national program that's been serving rural communities for over three decades. Since its inception, the program has been adopted by 260 electric cooperatives, and has generated $50 million in charitable donations.
Each month, your electric bill can be voluntarily "rounded up" to the nearest whole dollar amount with the extra change going into a separate Operation RoundUp® fund. For example, if your bill is $87.56, you will be billed an even $88.00 and the extra $0.44 goes toward helping various causes in the community. On average, participating members can expect to donate about $6.00 per year, and at most, $12.00. Together, those small amounts will make a big difference! It is an inexpensive and convenient way to give to charitable programs within the community.
Members are always welcome to donate additional funds to the program by calling the office. Program donations are tax deductible. A year-end donation total will be located on December, January, and February statements for all participants.
- Rising Stars Preschool
- Habitat for Humanity La Pine Sunriver
- La Pine Warming Center
- La Pine Senior Citizens, Inc.
- Care & Share Community Outreach
- Sunriver Stars Community Theater
- La Pine Community Kitchen
- Bend Science Station
- La Pine Park & Recreation Foundation
- Habitat for Humanity La Pine Sunriver
- Assistance League of Bend Serving Deschutes
- Rising Stars Preschool
To be considered for funding, interested parties must submit an application. All applications will be compiled and reviewed by MEC on a bi-monthly basis beginning in February each year. Each organization may only receive one donation per year with a maximum grant amount of $2,500.
Operation RoundUp® Application
To participate by rounding up your bill, simply call (541) 536-2126 or (800) 722-7219 and ask about Operation RoundUp® or fill out the form below. If you wish to apply for grant funding, please click on the link above.