Tuesday | January 28, 2025

Shape the Future of Your Electric Cooperative

At Midstate Electric Cooperative (MEC), our members are at the heart of everything we do. Our cooperative is guided by an elected Board of Directors, who represent the best interests of our members when making key decisions. Each year, MEC members have the opportunity to run for open board director positions through a petition process outlined in our Bylaws.

In 2025, director positions in Districts 3, 4, and 6 will be up for election during our Annual Meeting on May 17, 2025. Members residing in these districts are encouraged to consider running for these vital leadership roles. To qualify, candidates must submit a petition signed by at least 15 MEC members from their district.

Serving on MEC’s Board of Directors is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in your community. You don’t need expertise in electricity or business—just a passion for serving your fellow members and a willingness to learn. We value diverse skills and perspectives on our board. A variety of backgrounds and ideas ensures innovative and inclusive decision-making for the cooperative.

Responsibilities of MEC Directors
Directors are stewards of the cooperative’s mission to serve members effectively, ethically, and efficiently. Directors are expected to:

  • Actively participate in board and committee meetings.
  • Make strategic decisions regarding operations, policies, and financial oversight.
  • Represent the best interests of all members while considering the long-term health and sustainability of the cooperative.
  • Stay informed through ongoing training and education to adapt to evolving energy industry trends and challenges.

Directors serve three-year terms, with elections held during the Annual Meeting on a rotating basis. The nine-member board convenes monthly to set policies, review operational and financial performance, and address issues affecting the cooperative.

The Role of a Cooperative Director
Cooperatives operate according to a core set of principles which make electric cooperatives different from other electric utilities. As stewards of the utility, board members base their decision-making on the seven cooperative principles: 

  • Voluntary and open membership 
  • Democratic member control 
  • Members’ economic participation 
  • Autonomy and independence 
  • Education, training, and information 
  • Cooperation among cooperatives 
  • Concern for community 

Being a member of a co-op with democratic member control simply means that our co-op is controlled by our member-owners and our member-elected board of directors. 

Directors elected by our members represent those members and their interests as they are also residents and members themselves. 

Why Serve as a Director?
Serving as a director is a meaningful way to contribute to the cooperative and the community. As a director, you will:

  • Influence the cooperative’s future by shaping policies and initiatives.
  • Advocate for members’ needs and ensure the cooperative remains responsive.
  • Gain valuable insights into the electric utility industry and leadership experience.
  • Collaborate with fellow directors to uphold the cooperative’s mission.

How to Run for Election
Members interested in running for a director position must reside in the district they wish to represent. Petitions are due March 6, 2025, and can be picked up at MEC's office. Your voice matters! By serving as a director, you can play a pivotal role in ensuring Midstate Electric Cooperative continues to thrive and deliver exceptional service to its members.


District 3 is described as: North boundary is the Deschutes County and Klamath County line, including the ODOT Tunnel at Willamette Pass. West boundary is the Douglas County and the Klamath County line, and a portion of Lane County to include the ODOT Tunnel. South boundary is a line running East and West one mile North of Highway 58 Junction. East boundary begins 4.3 miles due East of Highway 97 on the Southern boundary. The boundary continues due north for 9 miles to a point just north and west of Crescent Butte, then 1.5 miles due west until intersecting Highway 97. Continuing northerly along Highway 97 about 2.6 miles then heading due north about 7.75 miles to the point of beginning.


District 4 is described as: Beginning at the intersection of the Klamath, Deschutes and Lake County lines, then heading due west along the North boundary of Klamath County line for about 16.7 miles. Then heading due south for about 7.75 miles until intersecting Highway 97. From that intersection heading in a southwesterly direction along Highway 97 about 2.6 miles. Then heading due east for about 1.5 miles to a point just north and west of Crescent Butte, then heading due south for 9 miles until reaching the Southern boundary. The South boundary is a line running east and west one mile North of Highway 58 Junction for 16 miles. Then heading in a northerly direction along the East boundary of the Klamath and Lake County line, back to the point of beginning.


District 6 is described as: North boundary is the north line of Township 21 South, which is about 1.5 miles north of the intersection of State Rec Road and Highway 97. West boundary is the Lane County and Deschutes County line. South boundary is Burgess Road (and its extension east and west.) East boundary is six miles east of East Lake. 

For more information about the qualifications and duties of directors, call 541-536-2126.

BOD Service Area Map